Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are frequently asked questions about our site, our services, and other details. If you have a question that is not answered below, feel free to contact us for more information, The FAQs are sorted by category. Click on a category to see questions relating to it.

AICP* Exam
Web Site Features

AICP* Exam

Do I qualify to write the AICP Exam?
Well that is up to the APA. The full eligibility requirements are found here – Basically you must: a) be a current member of the APA; b) be or have been engaged in planning as defined by the AICP; and, c) have completed a combination of education and experience at the time of the application submission. See the APA’s site for full details.

How do I apply for the exam?
Full details of the exam application process are on the APA's website found here -

Has the AICP changed how and when the exam is offered?
Yes. As of 2004 the exam is computer based. The exam can now be written within 2 1-week periods during the year - one week in the spring (May), one week in the fall (November).

What/who is a PDO?
Professional Development Officers (PDOs) are established in each chapter of the American Planning Association to facilitate the exam certification process and continuing education efforts. Your PDO is a critical information source, whether you're looking for information on upcoming training opportunities in your area or seeking additional help as you prepare for the AICP exam.

Web Site Features

How much does Planning Prep cost?
Nothing. Its free.

Why is Planning Prep free?
Great question...we get asked this one a lot, so much so, that we wonder if we should start charging again. Really though, we feel the exam is expensive enough. We are also very busy with our full time jobs - Trevor is currently the Development Operations Manager for the City of Naperville and Devin is a Principal and Cofounder of Houseal Lavigne Associates.

Do you do any on-site/face-to-face instruction?
Yes. We have day-long course that we have been giving to the Illinois Chapter for more than 10 years, the National Area Chapter for 4 years, and that the National APA Conference for 5 years. If you would like us to visit your Chapter or area for a day-long prep course, have your PDO contact us. It's not free but its cheap.

What are the questions like? Are they difficult? Are they representative of questions I can expect on the exam?
The practice questions on vary in difficutly. Some are aimed at helping you learn subject matter, while others are more difficult than questions on the exam. The purpose of the website is to prepare planners for their professional certification. We feel a balance of learning questions and representative questions best accomplishes this objective.

I didn't receive my confirmation email. What should I do?
99.9% of the time this is because your email provider or spam protection is not allowing the email to get through. Please whitelist to receive the email. If all else fails you can contact us through the Contact Us page, but it may take a day or two for us to respond.

How many practice questions are there?
We are continuously adding questions to our database. As of today, we have 1668 practice questions and descriptive answers with links to websites for further reading. We will continue to add questions to our site until the day of the exam.

What are the questions like? Are they difficult? Are they representative of questions I can expect on the exam?
The practice questions on Planning Prep vary in difficulty. Some are aimed at helping you learn subject matter, while others are more difficult than questions on the exam. The purpose of the website is to prepare planners for their professional certification. We feel a balance of learning questions and representative questions best accomplishes this objective.

Are there practice exams or only practice questions?
Planning Prep currently has 12 150-practice exams available. Additional exams are created when there are enough new questions to complete a new exam.

Can I share my materials with you and your members?
Yes, please. If you have anything you would like to share, pass it along and we'll post it to our site.

Can you reset my statistics?
No. But you can create another account to start fresh. - map based engagement platform